Basic Facts
ACTE is your resource for quick, to-the-point information that will help you make the case for career and technical education with policymakers, businesses and the public. The following fact sheets and infographics describe the CTE system and its benefits for students and employers.
What is CTE? (English and Spanish, January 2025)
Overview of basic facts and benefits about CTE that will grab the attention of anyone new to CTE, including students and families, industry leaders, policymakers and the media.
CTE Works! (English and Spanish, January 2025)
Research overview of CTE’s impact on student academic achievement, dropout rates, adult workforce needs, earnings and employment outcomes, the skills gap and state economies.
Investing in Career and Technical Education Yields Big Returns (January 2023)
Statistics about the economic benefits that CTE programs have for learners and communities across the country.
What is a Credential? (October 2022)
Overview of the different types of credentials that can be earned by students in CTE programs of study.
What is Work-based Learning? (October 2022)
Defines and describes the full range of work-based learning experiences offered through CTE programs.
STEM is CTE (October 2022)
This fact sheet describes how CTE is developing students’ science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills and preparing students to enter the STEM workforce.
A Brief History of CTE (December 2021)
Describes how federal CTE policy has evolved since 1917, up to and including the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
Pell Grants & Short-term Programs (December 2021)
Provides evidence about how high quality short-term postsecondary CTE programs, paired with financial assistance, can lead to positive educational and career outcomes.
CTE: Readiness For All Careers (February 2018)
Connects the general workforce skills that employers most need with research demonstrating how CTE helps students develop skills with value across industries and career fields.
What is “Career Ready?” (April 2010)
Outlines three broad sets of skills students need to be career-ready core academic skills, employability skills and technical skills.
State Fact Sheets (January 2025)
One-pagers that describe the CTE system in each state, including CTE learner performance data and labor market demand in each state.
Sector Sheets This series describes CTE’s role in growing the qualified workforce for vital industry sectors. Share with industry, education leaders, policymakers and the public to illustrate how CTE supports specific industries and prepares students for career success. Pearson proudly sponsors ACTE Sector Sheets.
Family and Consumer Sciences: Career Pathways and Employer Connections (August 2019)
Family and Consumer Sciences education prepares students for a wide variety of fulfilling, high-demand, high-wage careers within the Human Services, Hospitality and Tourism, Education and Training, and Visual Arts and Design sectors. See citations for data used in this tool. Special thanks to Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) for the use of the central graphic in the fact sheet.
Cybersecurity CTE: Your Pathway to Cybersecurity Careers (October 2018)
Learn how CTE provides students with academic, technical and employability skills for a career in cybersecurity