Working With Business & Industry Leaders
We encourage you to engage with business leaders in your area during CTE Month. Businesses stand to gain a great deal from strong CTE programs, as these programs provide students with the education and work-based learning they need to equip themselves with the skills necessary to enter the workforce. However, many businesses are unaware of the specific benefits of career and technical education. By reaching out to them, you may create valuable partnerships that allow you to achieve your own goals. Possibilities include:
- Using the resources on our Business and Industry Partnerships page to illustrate the value of CTE to businesses, including our one pager on why business and industry should value CTE and how businesses leaders can work with CTE programs.
- Inviting businesses to attend school visits or other events
- Hosting a career fair and asking local businesses if they would like to participate
- Working with local businesses to make a video profiling former CTE students who have become successful in the world of work
- Informing employers of their chance to participate in ACTE’s new Industry Connect Blog, where they can connect and collaborate with educators by sharing information, news, and activities that highlight the connections between educators and employers.