Georgia CTI is breaking barriers & building confidence

June 25, 2024


Georgia Career and Technical Instruction (Georgia CTI) offers a comprehensive student leadership program experience explicitly for students with disabilities (SWD). Members attend conferences and competitions. Additionally, they often receive support services within their career and technical education (CTE) courses. This results in higher rates of CTE pathway completion. And perhaps most importantly, Georgia CTI helps students grow in their confidence and abilities to compete against nondisabled peers.

Promote meaningful learning.

Every aspect of Georgia CTI is crafted to ensure inclusivity and provide meaningful learning opportunities. At the heart of it all lies a collaborative culture, from the local school level all the way to the partnerships forged between state agencies, the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) and the Georgia Department of Education (DOE). These alliances have been instrumental in driving forward the mission of inclusivity in CTE for SWD. They lay the groundwork for a more accessible and equitable educational and workforce landscape.

Leverage business and community partnerships.

Georgia CTI fosters a seamless continuum of support from the classroom to the workforce, setting students up for sustained success. GVRA plays a pivotal role in providing support services to SWD, facilitating their transition from school to the workforce. Through individualized guidance and resources, GVRA helps students navigate the complexities of the job market. This partnership enhances Georgia CTI’s efficacy, further bridging the gap between education and employment and fostering sustainable career pathways for SWD.

Similarly, the collaboration with and support from the Georgia DOE underscores a shared commitment to advancing inclusivity in CTE. Through strategic initiatives and policy frameworks, the DOE champions the rights and aspirations of all learners. They work in tandem with Georgia CTI to dismantle barriers and expand opportunities for SWD. From curriculum development to teacher training, the DOE’s involvement enriches the program’s pedagogical foundations, ensuring that it remains responsive to the evolving needs of students and reflective of best practices in inclusive education.

Georgia’s approach to inclusion exemplifies the transformative power of visionary leadership and collaborative effort. As Georgia continues to refine and enhance its programming, we ask policymakers to champion equity in student organizations on a broader scale. Georgia CTI’s model holds the promise of catalyzing a national conversation. It offers a roadmap toward a more equitable and accessible educational and workforce landscape. Let us answer the call to action, ensuring that every student, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to realize their fullest potential in CTE.

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