2022 ACTE Administrator of the Year

December 1, 2021
Contact: Megan Kmiotek

ACTE Announces Washington Director as 2022 National Winner

ALEXANDRIA, VA—Today, the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) announced Shani Watkins, director of West Sound Technical Skills Center at Bremerton School District in Bremerton, Washington, as the 2022 ACTE National Administrator of the Year. This award recognizes administrative CTE professionals at the school, district, county, state, or federal level who have demonstrated leadership in ensuring teacher and student success and have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique, and effective career and technical education programs. The Administrator of the Year Award is sponsored by Goodheart-Willcox.

Shani Watkins serves as the director of West Sound Technical Skills Center in Bremerton. Watkins found her passion working in career and technical education (CTE) after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Her journey as a reformed accountant, took her back to school earn her bachelor’s degree in Business Education, Master’s in Education with a focus on business and marketing education, Master’s in Organizational Systems, and an MBA. For more than twenty years, Watkins has served in career and technical education as a teacher, instructional facilitator, assistant CTE director, principal, and director. Throughout her career, Watkins has been actively involved in various CTE associations. She served as the secretary, president-elect, president, and past president of the Washington Association for Career and Technical Administrators, the president-elect, president, and past president of the Washington Association for Career and Technical Education, a member of the ACTE Region V policy committee, and was just nominated as the ACTE Region V vice president beginning July 1, 2021.

“Thank you to the Administrator of the Year award winners and finalists for being leaders in the powerful world of Career and Technical Education. G-W Publisher is excited to honor you and recognize your outstanding achievements,” said Todd Scheffers, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for G-W. “As a proud sponsor of the ACTE Excellence Awards, this partnership reinforces our longstanding commitment to preparing students for success while also reminding us of our good fortune to work alongside amazing educators like each of you for the past 100 years. Together, we build careers.”

Watkins was one of five finalists for the 2022 national title. The national winner was announced at the virtual Awards Gala, recognizing the best CTE educators in the country. The event took place on November 30, prior to the start of ACTE’s Hybrid CareerTech VISION 2021. The virtual Awards Gala was sponsored by Express Employment Professionals, CareerSafe, Goodheart-Willcox, and Stratasys. For more information about the ACTE Excellence Awards, visit our webpage.


About ACTE
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) is the nation’s largest not-for-profit association committed to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for successful careers. ACTE represents the community of CTE professionals, including educators, administrators, researchers, school counselors, guidance and career development professionals and others at all levels of education. ACTE is committed to excellence in providing advocacy, public awareness and access to resources, professional development and leadership opportunities.

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