Pennsylvania ACTE Membership
PA-ACTE is a professional association serving educators in the career and technical education arena. Our members come from all walks of the profession:
- secondary and middle school teachers and administrators
- postsecondary instructors, faculty, administrators and deans
- teacher educators
- guidance professionals
- state and local government education professionals
PA-ACTE members enjoy many benefits and services that help members make a personal difference to improve their schools, programs, students and their own careers.
PA-ACTE Membership Categories
Active: Individuals engaged in or working with vocational/technical education and who pay regular annual dues.
Student: Individuals who are enrolled as full-time students and who are not employed in the education system as a teacher, counselor or administrator.? Former active members cannot elect to be student members.
Loyalty: Individuals who have retired from vocational/technical education.
Associate: Different groups who are interested in vocational/technical education, but not employed in the profession.
Honorary: Those that have made outstanding contributions promoting the purposes of the organization and who have been approved by the executive board.