Meet Richard Ross (PLSP-ECMC Foundation fellow)

October 20, 2020 | by

In Spotlight

Meet Richard Ross, CTE/PLA coordinator at Valley City State University. Ross’s interview appears as part of a spotlight series on 2020–21 fellows in the Postsecondary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation.

What leadership skills do you hope to develop as part of the Postsecond­ary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation?

Communication is the skill I would like to improve through the Postsecondary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation. Leadership involves many skills, and it all starts with effective communication, listening as well as verbal, written and body language. I have been involved in postsecondary education for over 25 years, and the leaders I have respected the most were the effective communicators. It is my goal to always look to improve my communication skills.

How do you anticipate your participation in the program will better equip you to support career and technical edu­cation (CTE) students, particularly underserved groups, toward career success?

The flexibility of the fellowship program has benefitted me and my students during the coronavirus pandemic. The program had to react to an ever-changing educational environment. Many meetings changed, and assignments were modified at the last minute. PLSP–ECMC Foundation has provided me timely professional development in the areas of online teaching, mentoring at a distance and effective online communication.

I am honored to be included in this group of dedicated, hardworking professional educators. I have learned so much that it is difficult to put into one short writing. I thank everyone for their openness and wisdom shared.

In your opinion, what are the most important elements of professional development for postsecondary leaders?

Professional development is integral for every educator. But we should not be doing professional development for the sake of professional development; we should be doing professional development to help us achieve our professional, personal and organizational goals and growth. The answer to the question depends on the educator’s goals statement as well as their professional evaluations.

Learn more about the PLSP–ECMC Foundation.

The Postsecondary Leadership Success Program at ACTE – Sponsored by ECMC Foundation presents a yearlong professional development experience. The program is intended to develop the organizational leadership and management skills of postsecondary CTE professionals, with an emphasis on addressing the needs of underserved populations. Applications for the third cohort accepted Oct. 1–Dec. 15.

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