Meet Kristina Ropos

Kristina Ropos
Postsecondary, Adult & Career Education Division Vice President
701 South Ridge Avenue
Troy, Ohio 45374
Phone: 937-332-2024

Region: I

Division: Postsecondary, Adult & Career Education

Occupation: Learning and Development Manager

Employment History: Learning and Development Manager, Illinois Tool Works: 2019–present; Career Tech Planning District Consultant, Montgomery County Educational Service Center/Region 10 State Support Team: 2015–2019; Director of Education, Ohio Valley Associated Builders and Contractors: 2014–17; Marketing Management Instructor, Greene County Career Center: 2012–14; Business Foundations/Clerical Services/Architectural Drafting Instructor/Apprenticeship/Adult Education Instructor, Miami Valley Career Technology Center: 1997–2012; Architectural Draftsman, Benchmark Industries: 1987–2003

Education: M.Ed., Educational Leadership, Purdue University; Graduate Certificate, Human Resources/Principalship/Supervision/Finance, Purdue University; B.S., Business, Indiana Wesleyan University

National ACTE Involvement: Task Force Member, ACTE Division Affiliate Task Force: 2019–present; National Policy Seminar Attendee: 2019; ACTE’s CareerTech VISION Attendee: 2019; Other: Enrolled in ACTE National Leadership Fellowship Program: 2019–present

Regional ACTE Involvement: Region I Conference Attendee: 2016

Divisional ACTE Involvement: Award Winner: Marketing Education Division, DECA New Advisor Scholarship Award: 2013

State ACTE Involvement: Byrl R. Shoemaker CTE Leadership Institute Team, Ohio ACTE: 2018–19; Ohio ACTE Conference Presenter: 2018–19

Other CTE Involvement: Marketing Chair, Ohio ACTE Construction Education Advisory Committee: 2014–15; SkillsUSA Regional Drafting Judge: April 2003 to present; SkillsUSA State Contest Coordinator: 2018; Committee Member, Trade and Industry Advisory Committee: 2014–present; Regional Conference Coordinator/Committee Chair/Presenter, Miami Valley Tech Prep Consortium: 2018–19

Vision Statement:Empowering youth and adults for a better tomorrow is my ultimate career goal.

I am humbled and honored to serve the PACE Division members as vice president. I deeply feel that this position comes with opportunities for division growth as well as the required leadership responsibilities. Therefore, the objectives that I wish to achieve during my time in office would be the following:

  • Improve and enhance membership value
  • Expand and strengthen communication and information flow to our existing and potential PACE members
  • Broaden ACTE and PACE involvement through networking and communicating opportunities within both organizations
  • Embrace and encourage all opportunities to promote ACTE’s commitment to achieve authentic equity, access, inclusion and diversity in career and technical education

I am excited to be a part of an amazing team of educators and professional leaders and look forward to serving the PACE members.

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