Meet Brandon Russell

Region: III
Division: Administration
Occupation: Director of career, technical and adult education (CTAE)
Employment History
Director of CTAE, Columbia Public Schools: 2014–present; adjunct professor, University of Central Missouri: 2015–present; director of Jefferson College Area Technical School, Jefferson College: 2010–14; assistant superintendent, Marshall Public Schools; 2008–2010; director of Lex La-Ray Technical Center, Lexington R-V School District: 2002–08; graphic arts instructor; Carrollton R-VII School District: 1996–2002
Ed.D., educational leadership, Saint Louis University; educational specialist, educational administration –superintendency, University of Central Missouri; M.S., industrial vocational technical education, Central Missouri State University; B.S., journalism/graphic communications, Northwest Missouri State University; A.A., general studies, Kansas City Kansas Community College
National ACTE Involvement
Nominating committee: 2017–present; ACTE’s CareerTech VISION presenter: 2016; VISION attendee: 2011, 2014–19 and other years prior to 2010); National Policy Seminar attendee: 2019
Regional ACTE Involvement:
Conference attendee: 2016, 2019–2020
State ACTE Involvement
Missouri ACTE president: 2019–2020; president-elect: 2018–19; Missouri Council of Career and Technical Administrators (MCCTA) president: 2006–07; 2014–15; MCCTA Administrator of the Year: 2017
I have been a member of Missouri ACTE for 22 years and served the association in a variety of ways during my career. I served as a member of the board of directors for the past six years, as well as three years surrounding my first division presidency.
Other CTE Involvement
SkillsUSA Career Pathways Showcase technical chair: 2020; SkillsUSA Career Pathways Showcase national education team2015 to 2020; Missouri SkillsUSA Career Pathways Showcase contest chair: 2011–present;
Platform Statement
As the vice president-elect representing Region III, I will first strive to lead others on the policy committee to further the excellent work that is occurring in strategic planning. This work is critical for growth and member benefits. I would also encourage my colleagues to become active members by providing engaging networking opportunities at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION and beyond. As a member of the ACTE board of directors I will be an active participant in all board functions, contributing to the review, revision and implementation of a strategic plan that supports and enhances the goals of the association, especially in membership growth and member engagement. I believe, to move any organization forward, committed leaders must come together to collaborate, engage in honest dialogue and make decisions based on the benefit of the membership. I learned from my father at an early age that if you are going to have an impact on an organization it is important to not just be a member, but to serve others by taking an active role in a leadership position. I seek this office not for personal reasons, but to actively serve ACTE in its mission to be a national leader in CTE.