HSE Division Partners and Resources
Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA)
HOSA is a career and technical student organization (CTSO) dedicated to enhancing the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science education students.Click here to learn more.
Benefits of HSE Membership
As a member of the Health Science Education Division, you will receive:
- A semi-annual division newsletter that covers HSE issues, research and practices
- Discounted registration to the annual ACTE convention and opportunities to participate as a presenter or organize
- Timely information about policies, plans and issues of ACTE as they relate to health occupations education and opportunities to serve on ACTE committees
- Better communication through networking among teachers, teacher educators and administrators
- Eligibility for awards of merit
- Scholarships for students
Strategic Plan Priorities
The Association for Career and Technical Education’s strategic plan must have the active involvement of all participants in the enterprise.
Each year HSE will develop a strategic plan that will reflect the primary efforts of HOE through a series of goals, objectives and activities. The ACTE strategic plan will be considered and incorporated as appropriate.
The goals represent a broad organizational thrust that is identified in the HOE policies. They include professional development, program improvement, policy development and marketing health occupations and career and technical education. The dynamic objectives within each goal represent the means to achieving the goal. Activities are specific events achievable within a year.
The Strategic Plan is a guide for all those involved in HSE. It sets a collective direction and plan of action for people who are committed to improving and expanding quality health occupations education and career and technical education.
Each year the strategic plan is examined and modified by the HSE Division’s Policy Committee. The vice chairman assumes lead responsibility together with the HSE president, for collecting input from the Councils and for shaping the strategic plan for the next year, based on these perceptions.
The ACTE Vice President of Health Science Education is responsible for the development and implementation of the division’s strategic plan.