Teach CTE Summit 2023
You can access the schedule and conference information on your computer or tablet by viewing this link:
Teach CTE Summit 2023: Schedule
Keynote Speaker
Dr. John C. Foster is a dedicated leader and advocate for individuals preparing for the workforce. He currently serves as the President/CEO of NOCTI and Nocti Business Solutions (NBS). NOCTI provides industry-based technical skill credentials for career and technical education (CTE) programs at the secondary and post-secondary levels across the United States. The organization also delivers industry credentials for associations including groups like the Home Builder’s Institute (HBI), Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) and FANUC, the world leader of industrial robotics solutions.
Dr. Foster has over 45 years of experience in CTE, workforce training, and tailored industrial training program development. As state director for CTE at Pennsylvania’s Department of Education, he served under three governors. His background also includes teaching, and serving as a teacher educator, and school administrator.
In addition, he has written and researched data-driven instructional improvement, has authored seven books and numerous research articles, served as a core member for the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, the digital badge alliance, a founding member of USATVET an organization promoting CTE internationally. He is engaged with the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) and the Credential Engine Initiative and serves on two of their advisory committees. He was also awarded the Penn State Alumni of excellence award in 2019.