Certification Data Exchange Project
Improving Data Exchange Between Industry Certification Organizations and State Data Systems
From 2012-2017, ACTE®, in cooperation with a number of national and state partners, supported a project to expand and improve data exchange between industry certification organizations and state longitudinal data systems. The Certification Data Exchange Project tested data sharing between state education and workforce data systems and industry certifiers, created standardized tools and processes, and raised awareness about the importance of industry certification data.
Read a final report sharing results and discussing lessons learned and recommendations for future data-sharing and matching efforts, download reporting templates and watch a companion video.
This graphic illustrates in high-level detail the match process:
Project Resources
Reporting Templates (October 2017)
Project Fact Sheet (February 2016)
States That Have Executed Data-sharing Agreements
North Carolina
Participating Industry Certification Organizations



Manufacturing Skill Standards Council
Other Certification & Data Resources
Multistate Longitudinal Data Exchange (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education)
Credential Data Pioneers (Workforce Data Quality Campaign)
* Technical assistance activities for this project are supported under the Improving Program Performance Technical Assistance to States project, Contract Number (ED-VAE-11-O-023) as administered by the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. However, the contents on this web page do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education or the U.S. Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.