ACTE, Advance CTE Statement Upon Signing of Perkins CTE Reauthorization

July 31, 2018

In Press Releases

July 31, 2018

Media Contacts:
Jarrod Nagurka, ACTE; 703-683-9312

Katie Fitzgerald, Advance CTE; 301-588-9630

ACTE, Advance CTE Statement Upon Signing of Perkins CTE Reauthorization

Alexandria, VA – ACTE and Advance CTE released the following joint statement in response to President Trump signing H.R. 2353, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, which reauthorizes the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins).

“The signing of this bill marks an important continuation of longstanding, bipartisan commitment to a federal investment in CTE. The resources provided through this law will assist states and local public education providers in their efforts to ensure both secondary and postsecondary learners have the skills and experiences that will provide a pathway to the middle class, while also meeting the needs of large and small employers across the nation.

“As we turn our attention from policymaking to implementation, there is much work to be done to ensure the intent and aspirations of this law are fully realized.  Given the swiftness of the final stages of this law’s development, we look forward to continuing to work with congressional leaders and Administration officials and their staff to clarify key aspects of the new policy.

“We appreciate the opportunity we were given to share the views of our members during this process and the shared commitment to ensuring all learners have access to high-quality CTE programs of study. While a new law always presents both opportunities and challenges, our organizations stand ready to work with our members and CTE’s stakeholders to ensure this law’s implementation is effective in advancing the great work already underway in states and local communities across this country.

“Finally, a new law serves as a reminder of the resources that will be needed to effectively implement high-quality CTE. In the near-term, we encourage policymakers to adopt no less than the $102 million increase to Perkins Basic State Grants included in the Fiscal Year 2019 funding bill approved by the House Appropriations Committee.”


About ACTE
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) is the nation’s largest not-for-profit association committed to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for successful careers. ACTE represents the community of CTE professionals, including educators, administrators, researchers, school counselors, guidance and career development professionals and others at all levels of education. ACTE is committed to excellence in providing advocacy, public awareness and access to resources, professional development and leadership opportunities.

About Advance CTE
Advance CTE: State Leaders Connecting Learning to Work is the longest-standing national non-profit that represents State Directors and state leaders responsible for secondary, postsecondary and adult Career Technical Education (CTE) across all 50 states and U.S. territories.  Advance CTE was formerly known as the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc).

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