Alaska ACTE was honored to be granted an Executive Proclamation by Governor Mike Dunleavy proclaiming February as Career and Technical Education Month!
This is a sentiment of all your hard work and dedication to students across the state, and your role in helping to build a workforce for our state’s future.
Please share the award with your schools, colleagues, and students so we can continue to prove how important CTE is for our students and for our state.
Additionally, if you are looking for more ways to stay connected with your CTE community please consider joining the Alaska Education Exchange –
Alaska Education Exchange (AKEE)
AKEE is a new, FREE, resource that provides a way to connect with similar CTE teachers across the state. The goal of AKEE is to provide a place for networking and sharing resources so that we can provide a more robust learning experience for our Alaskan students.
It is a free resource, but it takes each of us sharing our best lessons, sub plans, projects and other resources to help benefit each other in the classroom. It’s a user-friendly process for uploading materials and sharing them with each other.
Within AKEE, you can join groups. Groups can be schools or areas of CTE. For example, I am a member of the Natural Resources, STEM, and ACTE groups.
Visit Alaska Education Exchange