ACTER Awards

ACTER presents the following awards:

Organizational Awards:

  1. The ACTER Distinguished Service Award recognizes members who have made significant service contributions to the association over a sustained period of time. This may include serving as an elected association official or providing exemplary services to one of the association’s major functions, such as enhancing the Journal.
  2. Nominees must be ACTER members, be nominated by peers, and have made significant contributions to the association for more than three years.
  3. Nominations must be received via e-mail no later than October 31 of the current year. Nominations must include the appropriate cover page, a brief rationale for the nomination (approximately half a page but not to exceed one page), and a curriculum vita. E-mail nominations to the Past President.


1983 – Donald E. Elson
1984 – J. Dale Oliver
1985 – J. Dale Oliver
1986 – no nominations received
1987 – no nominations received
1988 – no nominations received
1989 – no nominations received
1990 – Duane Nielson
1991 – Ronald D. McCage
1992 – Joel Magisos
1993 – June Schmidt
1994 – no nominations received
1995 – no nominations received
1996 – Curtis Finch
1997 – no nominations received
1998 – David J. Pucel
1999 – Jerome T. Kapes
2001 – Donna H. Redmann
2002 – William G. Camp
2003 – N. L. McCaslin
2004 – no nominations received
2005 – Michael K. Swan
2006 – Floyd McKinney
2007 – Diane H. Jackman
2008 – no nominations received
2009 – Morgan Lewis
2010 – Steven Aragon
2011 – no nominations received
2012 – no nominations received
2013 – Cynthia Pellock
2014 – Jay Rowjewski
2015 – James Stone
2016 – James Bartlett II
2017 – no nominations received
2018 – no nominations received
2019 – Howard Gordon
2020 – Katherine Kandalec Holm
2021 – John Cannon
2022 – Mark Threeton
2023 – Michelle Bartlett
  1. The ACTER Meritorious Service Award recognizes individuals who have made unique contributions to research in career and technical education during the previous three years. Contributions may be outstanding service, exemplary research activities, legislative advocacy or financial support.
  2. The recipient of this award may be a member of ACTER or from outside the association. Nomination by peers is required.
  3. Nominations must be received via e-mail no later than October 31. Nominations must include the appropriate cover page, a brief rationale for the nomination (approximately half a page but not to exceed one page), and a curriculum vita. E-mail nominations to the Past President.


1996 – Jerome Moss, Jr.
1997 – no nominations received
1998 – Wesley E. Budke
1999 – no nominations received
2000 – no nominations received
2001 – Bob R. Steward
2002 – no nominations received
2003 – no nominations received
2004 – no nominations received
2005 – Jay W. Rojewski
2006 Joe W. Kotrilik
2007 – James R. Stone III
2008 – Jack Elliot
2009 – Donna Pearson
2010 – Donna Redmann
2011 – no nominations received
2012 – no nominations received
2013 – no nominations received
2014 – no nominations received
2015 – Catherine Imperatore & Alisha Hyslop
2016 – no nominations received
2017 – no nominations received
2018 – James E. Bartlett, II
2019 – no nominations received
2020 – Michelle E. Bartlett
2021 – Katherine Kandalec Holm
2022 – Mark Threeton
2023 – J. Elaine Adams
2023 – Michael F. Kosloski
  1. Recognizes members whose scholarly work has significantly contributed to career and technical education research and/or practice. Such contributions may include receipts of grants and contracts, publications in professional journals, presentations at regional and national meetings, and outstanding classroom teaching.
  2. Recipients of this award must be a member of ACTER, must be nominated by peers, and, at the time the award is presented, must have five or fewer years of service in the profession after completing their highest degree.
  3. Nominations must be received via e-mail no later than October 31. Nominations must include the appropriate cover page, a brief rationale for the nomination (approximately half a page but not to exceed one page), and a curriculum vita. E-mail nominations to the Past President.


1991 – Jack Elliott
1992 – Laurie A. Stenberg
1993 – Jay W. Rojewski
1994 – James Gregson
1995 – Don Peasley
1996 – Myra Womble
1997 – Roger B. Hill
1998 – no nominations received
1999 – Bettye P. Smith
2000 – no nominations received
2001 – James E. Bartlett II
2002 – no nominations received
2003 – no nominations received
2004 – no nominations received
2005 – Neil Knobloch
2006 – no nominations received
2007 – Steven Aragon
2008 – Levon Esters
2009 – Curtis Friedel
2010 – John Glen Cannon
2011 – Mark Threeton
2012 – no nominations received
2013 – no nominations received
2014 – no nominations received
2015 – no nominations received
2016 – Michael Kolasky
2017 – no nominations received
2018 – O.P. McCubbins
2019 – Xue Xing
2020 – Laura Hasselquist
2021 – Jay Plasman
2022 – Walt Ecton
2023 – Christopher J. Eck
  1. The Outstanding Dissertation Award recognizes the work of a student whose dissertation demonstrates contribution to the career and technical education body of knowledge, appropriate use of research techniques and statistics, accurate and clear representation of data, and compelling text.
  2. The recipient of this award must be a member of ACTER.
  3. Candidates for consideration for the award may self-nominate or be nominated by other members.
  4. Nominations must be received via e-mail no later than September 31. Nominations must include the appropriate cover page and a copy of the dissertation with all identifying information (author’s name, institution, etc.) removed.

note: years without an awardee indicate no nominations received for that time period

1983 – Betty Dixon
1984 – Janine A. Watts
1987 – Jeanette Davis
1991 – Donald M. Johnson, Leon G. Shumacher, and Bob R. Stewart
1998 – Rhonda S. Black
2003 – Heeja Kim
2020 – Laura G. Maldanado
2021 – Lauren Lapinski
2022 – Nzingha Williams
2023 – Kesha Valentine

Conference Awards

The Outstanding Research Symposium Award is chosen each year from the symposiums presented at the ACTER Research and Professional Development Conference. Each symposium session is evaluated by multiple blind judges. The Conference Program Chair is responsible for coordinating, recruiting, assigning, and preparing judges, tabulating the results, and presenting the awards at the closing meeting of the conference. This award is presented in the form of a certificate.

*note: years with award winners missing indicate incomplete information in our archives. We are actively seeking to find and properly acknowledge all past award winners. If you have information to assist in this process, please contact the webmaster or historian.


1982 – Donna Coomer, Judith Jax, Brandon Smith, George Copa
1983 – William L. Hull
1984 – James A. Knight
1985 – George H. Copa, James A. Knight, Steve Scholl, Jeannette Daines,
Gary Leske, Linda Ernst, John Persico, Jane Plihal (AVA), Harry F.
Silberman, Ruth P. Hughes, L. Allen Phelps (AERA)
1987 – William Richardson, Michael Burnett, Jerome T. Kapes, Jerelyn
Schultz, Robert Warmbrod, Ruth P. Hughes (AVA), Jane Plihal, George
H. Copa, Charles Buzzel, Dena Stoner (AERA)
1991 – Charles Benson, Morgan Lewis, Gordon I. Swanson, Nevin Frantz, Jr.
1996 – Victor M. Hernandez (AERA)
1997 – Jay W. Rojewski, Roger B. Hill
2003 – James Gregson, Lynn Reba, Ariene Garcia (AERA)
2005 – Donna Pearson, James R. Stone III
2010 – Neil Knobloch
2013 – James Bartlett, Jay Rojewski, Tara Schollenberger, Howard Gordon
2016 – Katherine Kandalec, James Bartlett, Adam Manley, Travis Park
2019 – Elaine Adams, Cynthia Pellock, Mary Jo Self, Alexis Williams
2020 – James Bartlett, Michelle Bartlett, Jordon Dolfi, Patrick Bourke
2021 – James Bartlett, Michelle Bartlett, Mark Threeton
2022 – Jeffrey Sun, Jodi Adams, Kristen Wingfeld, Jason Graves
Runner up: S. Godbey, H. Gordon, L. Martinez, S. Shaw, H. O’Lawrence
2023 – Gresham Collum, Zach Hyder, Audrey Boochever, Jonathan Montoya
Runner up: James Bartlett, II, Michelle Bartlett, Michelle Conrad, Jodi Adams,
Sara Shaw, Lisa Martino

The Outstanding Conference Paper Presentation Award is chosen each year from the research papers presented at the ACTER Research and Professional Development Conference. Each paper session is evaluated by multiple blind judges. The Conference Program Chair is responsible for coordinating, recruiting, assigning, and preparing judges, tabulating the results, and presenting the awards at the closing meeting of the conference. This award is presented in the form of a certificate.

*note: years with award winners missing indicate incomplete information in our archives. We are actively seeking to find and properly acknowledge all past award winners. If you have information to assist in this process, please contact the webmaster or historian.


1984 – Patricia M. Copa, James R. Stone III
1985 – George H. Copa (AVA), Roger G. Gabb (AERA)
1987 – James Greenan (AVA), James R. Stone III (AERA)
1990 – Jack Elliot (AVA), Douglas Strickland (AERA)
1991 – Laurie A. Stenberg, Lou Riesenberg (AVA), Mary M. Wagner (AERA)
1993 – Debra D. Bragg, C. Michael Harmon
1994 – Curtis R. Finch, June Schmidt, Susan Faulkner (AERA)
1997 – Carol A. Conroy (AERA)
1998 – Kathleen Stasz, Tessa Kaganoff
2003 – Heeja Kim (AERA)
2005 – Donna Moore, Jennifer Rivera, William G. Camp (AERA)
2009 – Sinan Gemici, Jay W. Rojewski, In Heok Lee
2010 – Laura Santamaria, Travis Park, Barrett Keene, Elizabeth van der
Mandele, Marissa Taylor, Antonia Richards, Shawn Anderson,
Jonathan Velez, Greg Thompson
2019 – Carley Snider, J. Shane Robinson, M. Craig Edwards, Robert Terry
Runner up: Kyungin Kim, Areum Han
2022 –  Kayla Marsh, Christopher Eck, Dale Layfield
Runner up: Scott Straub, John Cannon, Carol Billing
2023 – James R. Stone, Jon Schmidt-Davis, Lisa Shannon, Jen Gruber
Runner up: Patricia Leibfreid

The Outstanding Roundtable Session Award is chosen each year from the roundtables presented at the ACTER Research and Professional Development Conference. Each roundtable session is evaluated by multiple blind judges. The Conference Program Chair is responsible for coordinating, recruiting, assigning, and preparing judges, tabulating the results, and presenting the awards at the closing meeting of the conference. This award is presented in the form of a certificate.

*note: this award was introduced at the 2022 ACTER Conference. No prior year data exists.


2022 – Dave Macholz, Mickey Kosloski
Runner-up: Cara DeLoach

2023 – Shetay Ashford-Hanserd, Twyla Hough
Runners up (tied): James Bartlett, Michelle Bartlett
Runners up (tied): Sara Shaw, Lisa Martino

The Outstanding Abstract Award is chosen each year from the abstracts presented at the ACTER Research and Professional Development Conference. Each abstract session is evaluated by multiple blind judges. The Conference Program Chair is responsible for coordinating, recruiting, assigning, and preparing judges, tabulating the results, and presenting the awards at the closing meeting of the conference. This award is presented in the form of a certificate.

*note: this award was introduced at the 2022 ACTER Conference. No prior year data exists.

2022 – Natalie Miller
Runner up: Shetay Ashford-Hanserd, Lilliana Franco Carrera

Partner Awards

The Outstanding CTER Journal Award is chosen each year from the CTER manuscripts submitted and published in the most recent volume. This award is given to the author(s) whose paper had the highest ratings in the blind review process. This award is chosen using the empirical data from the review process by the CTER Editor and will be awarded in the form of a plaque.

*note: years with award winners missing indicate incomplete information in our archives. We are actively seeking to find and properly acknowledge all past award winners. If you have information to assist in this process, please contact the webmaster.


1981 – Connie J. Ley & Clyde Maurice
1982 – Connie J. Ley, David Passmore, Donna Coomer, Paul Campbell, & Pat Seitz
1983 – J. Dale Oliver, Dennis Hinkle
1984 – Linda S. Lotto
1985 – Donna M. Mertens, John A. Gardner
1987 – Jeannie Oakes
1990 – Steven Culver, Penny Burge, Daisy Stewart, Tim Wentling, Chris Roegge, Kenneth Gray, Dan Shang Wang, Theodore Lewis
1991 – Theodore Lewis
1992 – Theodore Lewis
1993 – N.L. McCaslin, Robert M. Torres
1994 – James Gregson
1995 – L. Allen Phelps, Victor M. Hernandez-Gantes, John Jones, Dorothy Sanchez, Alejandro H. Nieri
1996 – Jay W. Rojewski
1998 – M. Beth Stevens, Penny L. Burge
2003 – Stephen Plank
2005 – Chris Zirkle
2007 – James R. Stone III, Oscar A. Aliaga
2010 – Travis D. Park, Ed Osborne
2014 – Billy R. McKim, John Rayfield, Julie Harlin, Andy Adams
2020 – Thomas Gauthier
2021 – Katherine B. Leu & Caren A. Arbeit
2023 – Corliss Thompson, Ellen Stoddard, Shariva White

The Outstanding Poster Award is chosen each year from the posters presented at the ACTER Research and Professional Development Conference Poster Session. Each poster is evaluated by multiple blind judges. The Conference Program Chair is responsible for coordinating, recruiting, assigning, and preparing judges, tabulating the results, and presenting the awards at the closing meeting of the conference. This award is presented in the form of a certificate.

*note: years with award winners missing indicate incomplete information in our archives. As we work to combine the records of OTT and ACTER we are actively seeking to find and properly acknowledge all past award winners. If you have information to assist in this process, please contact the webmaster or historian.


1st place: Jay Plasman, Marc Stein, Rachel Durham, & Zyrashae Smith
2nd place: Megan Gould, Meika Dado
3rd place: M. Bartlett, J. Bartlett, MJ Self, J. Cannon, S. Arnett-Hartwick, C. Billing, M. Borr, K. Elliott, A. Kitchel, J. Jeffrey

1st place: Taija R. Jackson, Michael L. Pate, Rebecca G. Lawver, Dustin K. Perry, Scott W. Smalley, Jim Hafer, Don Edgar, Marvin Young, Celina Wille
2nd place: David Macholz, Mickey Kosloski
3rd place: Ryan Lundell, Jonathan Montoya

Omicron Tau Theta Service Awards

An award for the outstanding JCTE article of the year (volume) shall be made in the form of a certificate. It shall be named Omicron Tau Theta Outstanding Journal Article Award.
This award is administered by the JCTE Editorial Board.

An award for outstanding doctoral research shall be made in the form of a plaque. To be eligible for this award, the student must be a member of OTT in good standing and nominated by their advisor via email to the National OTT Advisor. The dissertation must be defended during the 12-month time period prior to the award.

An award for distinguished service to OTT shall be made in the form of a plaque. It shall be named Anthony G. Porreca Award for Distinguished Service to Omicron Tau Theta. It is to be administered by the OTT Executive Board and only when there is unanimity of feeling that such recognition is merited.

Criteria for Anthony G. Porreca Award for Distinguished Service to Omicron Tau Theta

  1. Multiple-year contributions to growth and advancement of local and national Omicron Tau Theta.
  2. Contributions in critical areas such as publications, chapter growth, and improvement, chapter and member services, leadership development, and/or research and innovation.
  3. Outstanding character and personality supportive of the mission of OTT.
  4. Intense interest in and a strong commitment to the aims and ideals of OTT.
  5. Multiple-year involvement in local and national activities of Omicron Tau Theta.
  6. Mentorship attitude and behavior toward less experienced members of OTT.
  7. Positive representation as leader and scholar throughout professional educa­tion career.
  8. Members who are in good standing and who have been OTT members for at least five (5) years are eligible for the award.

An award for distinguished service to OTT and CTE shall be made in the form of a plaque.

Criteria for Omicron Tau Theta Outstanding Professional Service Award

  1. The award is presented to an OTT member for outstanding service to the career and technical education profession and Omicron Tau Theta.
  2. Outstanding character and personality supportive of the mission of Career and Technical Education and OTT.
  3. Positive representation as leader and scholar throughout professional educa­tion career.
  4. Members who are in good standing and who have been OTT members for at least three years (3) are eligible for the award.

Nomination/Submission Instructions

The candidate’s nomination must be submitted to the OTT Executive Board in “Word” format and include the following information:

  • An official nomination by an OTT member or OTT chapter.
  • Candidate MUST be an OTT member
  • Candidate information to submit:
  1. Brief statement (not to exceed 300 words) identifying reasons why the candidate deserves to receive one of the OTT “Service” Awards.
  2. Educational History (Institution, date, degree).
  3. Employment History (Educationally related).
  4. Support for the nomination – chronological list of all appropriate OTT (Omicron Tau Theta)/CTE (Career and Technical Education) related activities.  For example,
    • Contributions to local and national OTT/CTE
    • Leadership activities in local and national OTT/CTE
    • Service activities in local and national OTT/CTE
    • Activities to Promote Research and Scholarship in OTT/CTE (may wish to list major publications/presentations).
    • Submit nomination(s) in “Word” format to:

Dr. Elaine Adams
OTT National Advisor

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