Work-Based Learning Members
WBL Participant Recruiting and Recognition – March 23, 2023
Work-Based learning give students real-world experiences as they plan their future careers. As educators, we want all students to receive the benefits of participating in Work-Based Learning. Join us for the March webinar to discuss recruitment and incentive strategies to engage students and encourage employers to become partners in your Work-Based Learning program.
CTAE Delivers Kubota Video
Hall County Work-Based Learning Video
Mr. Wisness’s Classroom Site – Cooperative Work Experience (
CWE Brochure
Putting on Large Scale Events – February 23, 2023
Work-based learning coordinators are often called upon to organize events where students interact with business and industry professionals. Whether you are planning for a job fair, mock interview day, or an entrepreneurship pop-up, there can be many important details to consider. This month’s panelists will share their best practices for planning large-scaled events.
PowerPoint Presentation
Employability Skills Development – November 17, 2022
When talking with industry partners, improving students’ professional skills is always part of the conversation. Work-based learning provides students the opportunity to enhance their work habits in a real-world setting. Learn how coordinators use simple tools and planning steps to ensure beneficial experiences and personalize learning in a employability skills.
Work-Based Learning Marketing 101 – October 27, 2022
What is the secret to a successful Work-Based Learning program? In this webinar strategies to build a successful WBL program from the perspectives of an industry recruiter and a WBL professional are discussed. Learn about tools to help build excitement for WBL in your school and your community through leveraging online platforms for marketing and strengthening your business and industry network.
Building and Maintaining WBL Business Partnerships – September 22, 2022
Work-based learning cannot happen without businesses willing to invest their time, space, people, resources, and sometimes money, into providing opportunities for students. At this webinar, we dive into how to foster successful business partnerships from the perspectives of both WBL professionals and their industry partners.
Getting Started with WBL – August 25, 2022
In this webinar work-based learning professionals discuss best practices, resources, tips and tricks, and more! The presenters share their perspectives on the why and the how of WBL. Whether you are starting a new program or looking for new ways to start your school year strong, this presentation will offer great ideas for heading back to school with work-based learning!
PowerPoint Presentation
Canyon PowerPoint Presentation
Immigrants and refugees are pivotal to the creation of more diverse workplaces, yet they are often unable to participate fully in a company’s culture and even blocked from promotion and advancement, simply because they lack English skills. The good news is that recent advances in technology have made it easier than ever to offer effective and accessible workforce-focused English training at scale. With English-as-a-benefit, employers are able to develop and retain existing employees, opening up opportunities for their advancement, creating new entry-level jobs, and improving internal talent pipelines.
Tech Tools and Data Analysis in WBL – March 31, 2022
How do you keep track of your work-based learning partners, students, applications, timekeeping, etc.? What data do you need and what’s the best way to use that data for future funding or programming?
Whether you use a third-party platform, a free online service, or a creative mix of tools and resources, this webinar will inspire more streamlined processes by showing what has worked well for the panelists.
Counselors and WBL: Working Together for Student Success – February 24, 2022
Work-based learning provides incredible learning opportunities for students. Planning, collaboration, barriers and successes are all part of the mix. In this webinar, the panelists discuss their experiences, success and frustrations, from the counseling perspective, on helping to provide these opportunities for students.
Anne_Sanders_Washington County Internships
Best Practices for Informing Policy Related to WBL – January 26, 2022
Developing a culture of advocacy can inform policy. This can lead to opportunities for schools and various other stakeholders in communities. Cheryl Carrier from FORD NGL, Erin Bibo from
CityWorks DC, Johnnieanne Hansen from the Council of Industry, and Stephen Casa from Ulster BOCES explore the benefits of individual, organizational, and institutional advocacy at the national, regional, and local levels.
Strengthening Your Partnerships – November 18, 2021
In this webinar, Harrisburg School District shared how they have developed and maintained strong business partnerships with local Chamber of Commerce, healthcare facilities, and businesses to create a successful work-based learning ecosystem.
Strengthening Partnerships in WBL
Increasing Access to WBL for Typically Underrepresented Students – October 28, 2021
This webinar focused on work-based learning programs that offer intentional support for typically underrepresented students. Programs from Georgia, Virginia and California were highlighted.
Marianne_Moore_ACTE-WBL-WBL is for Everyone 2
Promoting Your WBL Program – September 28, 2021
Get your partners excited about work-based learning! This webinar explores a tiered approach to promoting your WBL program. Hear about practices from state, regional, and local perspectives, and learn strategies that will help bring your promotional efforts to a whole new level!
The Benefits of Collaboration for WBL Professionals – August 26, 2021
Work-based learning coordination requires collaboration with many entities, including:
- Local Industries,
- Local municipalities and/or government agencies,
- Career, Technical, and Adult Education classroom teachers,
- Other employment companies,
but a collaborative relationship with other WBL professionals might be even more crucial to a successful program. In this webinar you will hear three WBL professionals from around the country share how collaboration with other WBL professionals has enhanced their practice and helped them provide better opportunities for their students.
Pre-Apprenticeships/Apprenticeships Best Practices – May 20, 2021
In this presentation you will hear from work-based learning experts who share best practices and success stories from their regions in establishing and maintaining pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs.
Colleges around the country partner with local school systems to provide high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while they pursue their high school diploma. This practice is referred to as dual enrollment, concurrent enrollment, and/or dual credit. Join this session to learn about how this practice is currently implemented in Virginia, Ohio, and Iowa and the impacts that concurrent / dual enrollment has had on work-based learning opportunities in these states. Panelists will share lessons learned, resources, and next steps for educators interested in pursuing concurrent / dual enrollment opportunities for their work-based learning programs.
ACTE Work-Based Learning Division Sponsored Zoom Panel – Celebrating our Work-Based Learning Successes — February 25, 2021
February is Celebrate CTE Month, and what better way to celebrate than to hear about success stories from our members! This session will cover: how the Upper Valley Career Center has successfully implemented and scaled a pre-apprenticeship program, how Portland Public Schools are offering virtual career learning opportunities for students, and how the state of Georgia has worked to celebrate and train the best of their WBL coordinators through their “Top Gun” initiative. We hope you will join us!
School-Based Enterprises – January 26, 2021
A school-based enterprise is a hands-on learning environment and an entrepreneurial operation located in a school setting although recently more virtual options have been used. An enterprise based in a school serves two purposes: (1) It offers a realistic work environment with real-world skills and work experience for students later entering trade school, college or the workforce. (2) It fills a need in the marketplace for whatever type of goods or services the enterprise has chosen to market and sell.
ACTE WBL Division Zoom for WBL Educators Certification – December 14, 2020
What are the requirements to be a Work-Based Learning Coordinator? Every state is different, and some states do not have any requirements. Listen to a panel of work-based learning certifying educators to learn what is covered in these courses.
Work-Based Learning: Collaboration with Other Organizations – October 14, 2020
With the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Reauthorization of Perkin V, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement ACT (IDEA 2004), we as professionals have an opportunity to work jointly and ensure more youth have work based learning opportunities while they are still in secondary school. Our collective knowledge and research indicate that this experience, WBL, is a game changer for most young people, regardless of ability, race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. As individuals and as members of professional organizations, we can promote work-based learning for every student.
How to Find Friends & Grow the WBL Community in your State – September 23, 2020
Do you know who to ask when you have a question about WBL? Who have you connected with to make your program work? Connect with panel members at all levels of program development and learn how to find friends and grow your WBL community.
Work-Based Learning: Virtual Possibilities – August 13, 2020
Join the conversation to hear from several panelist on innovative ideas you can put into practice in your region. Then join a small group breakout session to collaborate with others, share additional ideas and ask questions.
- Member Value and Engagement
- Member Value and Engagement
- Strategic Partnerships
- Professional Development
- Innovation
FY22 WBL Division Zoom Calls
- Tuesday, May 31
- Register in advance for this meeting
- Agenda
- Zoom Meeting
- Tuesday, March 1
- Friday, January 7
- Wednesday, November 3
- Thursday, September 2, 2021
FY21 Zoom Calls
- Friday, August 7, 2020
- Monday, October 5, 2020
- Wednesday, January 6, 2021
- Tuesday, March 2, 2021
- Thursday, June 3, 2021
FY20 Zoom Calls
- Friday, December 6, 2020
- Thursday, January 23, 2020
- Wednesday, March 25, 2020
- Thursday, April 23, 2020
- Thursday, June 11, 2020
- 2025 Work-Based Learning Division Winter Newsletter
- 2024 Work-Based Learning Division Fall Newsletter
- 2024 Work-Based Learning Division Summer Newsletter
- 2024 Work-Based Learning Division Spring Newsletter
- 2024 Work-Based Learning Division Winter Newsletter
- 2023 Work-Based Learning Division Fall Newsletter
- 2023 Work-Based Learning Division Summer Newsletter
- 2023 Work-Based Learning Division Spring Newsletter
- 2023 Work-Based Learning Division Winter Newsletter
- 2022 Work-Based Learning Division Summer Newsletter
- 2022 Work-Based Learning Division Spring Newsletter
- October 2022 Newsletter
- May 2020 Newsletter
- January 2020 Newsletter
- November 2019 Newsletter