
The Association for Career and Technical Education® (ACTE) is organized into 11 Divisions to provide members with professional development resources, events and networking opportunities specific to their position or area of expertise. Members designate at least one Division when they join ACTE, and an elected Vice President represents each Division on ACTE’s Board of Directors.

Administration Division

The Administration Division informs members on current ACTE policies and issues and their implications for developments and advancements in all facets of CTE programming. We strive to create, promote and implement high-quality professional standards across the full spectrum of CTE, to provide professional development opportunities for our members and to work in concert with complementary ACTE Divisions, agencies, organizations and institutions.

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Agricultural Education Division

The Agricultural Education Division members include agricultural sciences teachers (K-16), state agricultural education leaders and university agricultural educators. Our mission is to prepare students for successful careers and a lifetime of choices in the global agriculture and natural resources systems. We embrace partnerships and strategic alliances to ensure a continuous presence of the agricultural sciences in a variety of educational settings.

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Business Education Division

The Business Education Division is a diverse group of members dedicated to educating today’s students for tomorrow’s business community. We invite those who hold the following positions and anyone interested in our field to get involved with our Division: business and marketing education teachers, applied academic teachers, administrators, school-to-careers coordinators, business leaders, local and state supervisors, teacher educators, and students in career, technical and business education teacher prep programs.

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Counseling and Career Development Division

The Counseling and Career Development Division is comprised of career guidance professionals who work in a variety of K-16 settings and design, implement, and evaluate career development programming to support CTE, career decision making and career pathways. We strive to provide our members with valuable resources and opportunities for professional development, advocacy, networking and career enhancement. Within our Division, we are also pleased to offer the School-to-Work/Careers section.

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Engineering and Technology Education Division

The Engineering and Technology Education Division is comprised of members who are dedicated to preparing individuals for STEM-related careers, including engineering, technology, design and applied aspects of science and mathematics. Members exchange the latest innovative thinking in the field, collaborate with other ACTE Divisions to infuse, where relevant, STEM into CTE curricula, and enrich secondary and postsecondary CTE classroom experiences for their students. Within our Division, we also offer four areas of interest, including Arts, Media and Entertainment; EsportsInformation Technology; and STEM.

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Family and Consumer Sciences Education Division

The Family and Consumer Sciences Education Division promotes and enhances education throughout the United States with a mission to empower individuals and families across their life span to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society. We strive to prepare our students for families, work, community and their interrelationships.

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Health Science Education Division

The Health Science Education Division  includes instructors, administrators, applied academics instructors, local and state supervisors, teacher educators and others who are dedicated to educating today’s students for tomorrow’s health care community. Our members serve as advisers for HOSA-Future Health Professionals, bring a wealth of experience directly from industry and prepare youth and adults for such careers as nursing, dental hygiene and dental assisting, home health aide and medical technician professions.

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New and Related Services Division

The New and Related Services Division represents CTE professions and interests that are distinct from other ACTE Divisions. We are made up of 12 special interest sections, including Career AcademiesCTE For All, CTE Research, CTE ScholarsInstructional Management & MaterialsIntegration of Academics and Career and Technical EducationJROTC Leadership PathwaysLaw, Public Safety and SecurityMakers of Policy/Public InformationOther, and Support StaffTech Prep. Whether members serve in an instructional, administration or support capacity, we offer representation of their diverse interests to the CTE community.

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Postsecondary, Adult and Career Education Division

The Postsecondary, Adult and Career Education Division members are committed to providing high-quality training and professional development to our diverse mix of postsecondary educators serving in CTE fields. Through numerous networking opportunities, members gain an informed and focused perspective on the rapidly changing job market and learn new ways to equip clients and students with in-demand job market skills.

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Trade and Industrial Education Division

The Trade and Industrial Education Division members include secondary and postsecondary instructors and professors, representing a variety of trades, including carpentry, masonry, electrical and construction management; automotive technology; heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems; computer-aided drafting and manufacturing; and cosmetology. Together, they influence national policy and cooperate with federal and state authorities in promoting high standards and developing sound practices across trade and industrial education programs.

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Work-based Learning Division

The Work-based Learning Division includes a diverse group of professionals including work-based learning coordinators, apprenticeship coordinators, K-12 and postsecondary educators, business and community partners, program administrators and state workforce representatives. We strive to provide our members with valuable resources and opportunities for professional development, leadership and networking as we help students build awareness of potential careers, explore career opportunities and prepare for their future.

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