What We Do
ACTE builds connections among its members. Our conferences and seminars bring CTE educators face to face with each other, with policymakers and with business and institutional partners, and our social networks enable members to interact with us and each other without having to leave their desks.
ACTE’S CareerTech VISION brings together more than 4,000 CTE professionals educators, administrators, guidance professionals and others—for three days of educational sessions, meetings, workshops and networking opportunities designed to maximize program and classroom effectiveness. At the same time, ACTE’s CareerTech Expo hosts 200 educational vendors showcasing the very latest products and technologies.
Visit careertechvision.comEvery day, ACTE staff is hard at work to make sure that valuable federal dollars are being directed toward the development of high-quality CTE programs. Our legislative advocacy is at the very forefront of the field, and our research into CTE effectiveness has proven again and again that CTE works. We provide that support to our members and the field, but being an ACTE member means being empowered to join in the fight! Between our Legislative Updates and the CTE Policy Watch blog, you’ll always know what’s happening in the policy arena, and our periodic Legislative Action Alerts coordinate and direct activity around key federal policy and legislation. You can also get the resources you need to effectively advocate locally and in your state.
Learn MoreIf public policy is your thing, you won’t want to miss the National Policy Seminar, held every spring in Washington, DC. You’ll hear about the policy environment straight from government representatives and ACTE staff, and you’ll gain valuable training in advocacy before heading up to Capitol Hill to meet with congressional staff—and maybe even your elected representatives themselves—about the importance and value of CTE.
See HighlightsOur National Leadership Fellowship Program brings together highly motivated members who want to learn the skills necessary to become more effective educators, and not just in the classroom. Similarly, the National Leadership Training Program develops the leadership and organizational skills necessary for members looking to play a role in the future of their state associations.
Get StartedThe very best members are showcased by our ACTE Excellence Awards, a unique program that rewards the best teachers, administrators and guidance professionals for exemplary work. Our members are leaders in community service, innovative in the classroom and dedicated to developing cutting-edge programs, and we strive to recognize that by extending the awards program to the states and Regions, too.
See Nomination DeadlineBeing involved with ACTE means prestige, but it also means service to students and the entire CTE community, and our members never lack for opportunities. Following a Legislative Action Alert means speaking out for CTE, but it’s just scratching the surface. The Ambassadors Network puts ACTE members at the forefront of CTE’s image by becoming contacts for media inquiries. You can also help govern and shape our community by joining a committee or task force. And highly motivated members can be elected to our Board of Directors.
Get InvolvedEven More Benefits
We pride ourselves on delivering excellent professional development, connecting our members with each other and key CTE stakeholders, taking the lead on enhancing CTE’s image and leading the fight for crucial funding. But we make sure we’re delivering tangible benefits too, like exclusive insurance through our special partnership with Forrest T. Jones.

Straight to Your Mailbox or Inbox
Every member gets a subscription to our awardwinning Techniques magazine, loaded with articles, case studies and news on best practices, innovative programs, professional development, public policy and more. We also include daily news briefings, including Career Tech Update, so you can follow what’s happening in CTE across the country and get important news from ACTE.

Everything You Need Online
You can get even more from our website, where our resources include lesson plans and webinars, plus other tools you can use to enhance your activities. We also help you find ways to engage with your students through our contests and social media, and you can find just the right resources from ShopACTE.