
Summer 2019

Hello NYS Health Science Educators!

Hope you are enjoying summer! I have been busy trying to create an avenue of education, network, and sharing lesson plans for all members.  I am proud to roll out our first “Google Classroom”.


How do I gain access to the classroom?

Once you have paid dues, you will receive code.

How will I know when new lessons or professional development opportunities are posted?

You will receive announcements to the email you enter, it is important to use a personal account if possible. There are many districts that have fire walls and you may not receive announcements for new information to your school account.

Can I contribute some of my lesson plans for others to share?

YES, I encourage all to submit lessons and articles so we can grow professionally together. Just submit to me through the following email:

As we think of the start of school approaching, we begin to prepare our minds and lessons for the excitement of the new school year, eager students, fresh bulletin boards, and creative ways of arranging our classrooms. We begin with fresh ideas and refresh our minds with the mission of CTE.

This month, I offer this quote, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I will remember, Show me and I will learn” – Ben Franklin.

I have always felt this quote was written for CTE as it reminds me of our role as career and technical education instructors. The hands on skills and work based learning experiences shape, mold, and strengthen the content and academic.

I wish each one an enjoyable summer and I will send out another newsletter prior to school year. My hope is to provide avenues of information through these newsletters that will shape, mold, encourage, and challenge you, your lessons, and ultimately your students.

Thank you and looking forward to meeting many of you at the upcoming conferences!

Please feel free to email me with your CTE month activities, ideas, and success stories of your Health Science programs!

Thank you for all you do!

With love, kindness, and gratitude,

Linda Romano, BSN, RN
NYSHSEA President
ACTE Health Science Division, VP

Hello Health Science Educators!

This month seems to be flying by …between the busy CTE Month activities and general hustle and bustle of life; the month almost disappeared. Realizing I was missing out on some very important things …wishing Happy CTE month to all. You are all so amazing at what you do, you may not take time to realize how important you are in the life of your student scholars. You are not only their teacher; you are their role model, their mom, dad, sister, brother, and friend. You are so incredible and please take a few minutes to sit back and just look. Look at the excitement as your student scholars learn skill and apply academic. Look in their eyes and see their joy as their dreams of being a healthcare professional are coming true …through you! Your hard work and dedication builds the quality healthcare providers of tomorrow. Thank you for all that you do every day! This CTE month …we celebrate our success together as one family! Way to go!

February also brings awareness of the heart. While we think of the love during Valentine’s Day; however, I am thinking of awareness of Healthy Heart. To create activities for CTE month, we combined heart awareness as my student scholars have been holding blood pressure clinics, demonstrating CPR, and providing presentations about heart health. This is something that can be done once a month; even past February that builds recognition for Health Science programs while building a healthy school and community. Consider holding a blood pressure clinic at your school!
Please remember to keep healthy and recognize your heart risks. Don’t forget, women experience different symptoms than men when having a heart attack and this often goes unnoticed. Please keep that in mind when educating others about heart disease. I am sharing this link to a cute video that shows how women will ignore their symptoms. The YouTube video stars Elizabeth Banks as the mother and will have you laughing while bringing the education about a woman’s heart attack symptoms. Enjoy and share!

Please take care of yourself and remember:
Eat healthy.
Get active.
Stay at a healthy weight.
Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.
Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.
Drink alcohol only in moderation.
Manage stress.
Please share these newsletters with your colleagues

We have Board Openings:

Vice President
Member at Large – Adult Education
Member at Large – Post-Secondary
Member at Large – Health Science Education (Non-Nursing)
Member at Large
All nominations must be submitted using the Google form.

Hello Health Science Educators!

The hustle and bustle of the holidays is now past us and we are all back at school doing what we love…educating our young scholars. I find that my health science scholars are truly struggling with their writing skills. I have started to dive deep into some close reading techniques for anything from a poem or short article. As I searched for articles, I came across this poem from Maya Angelou, “On Aging”. I had the scholars read, then read again, then annotate, then we discussed. I found it was a simple poem to practice this technique and timely because we were about to enter the clinical rotation for the nursing home. I am sending it to you, feel free to use, and if you have any questions or want to input some literacy techniques you are doing, I would be happy to feature it in these newsletters. Please find the poem below:

Please do not forget to nourish your mind, body, and spirit with healthy food and exercise. I feel we forget about ourselves and it is important we keep healthy inside and out. One thing that I have incorporated within my classroom, and with colleagues is a wellness calendar ….here is a sample. Collaborate with students or colleagues and create one for your classroom…it can sometimes make a difference. Remember, you are important too ….you are loved ….you are valued!

Monday – Try relaxing for two minutes before your students arrive in the morning. Visualize the day ahead going as well as possible because this is good for the soul.
Tuesday – At the first break of the day step out of autopilot and clear your mind by eating a piece of fruit mindfully. Focus on the experience of eating without multi-tasking or your mind wandering.
Wednesday – After work or during lunch go for a walk on your own. Focus on what you see, smell, hear, taste, and feel. Do not use the time to make plans or dwell on problems.
Thursday – Half way through the day, why not reduce muscle tension? Tense your shoulders without straining, and then relax while breathing deeply. Feel the stress fading away.
Friday – Avoid the enemies of sleep. Keep a regular sleep schedule, have a relaxing bedtime routine, eat healthily and get regular exercise.
Please share these newsletters with your colleagues
We have Board Openings:

Vice President
Member at Large – Adult Education

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