MI-ACTE New CTE Workshop Booklet
Michigan CTE Professionals – are you looking for an updated resource with pertinent information for new CTE Teachers? If so, please consider purchasing the 2018 MI-ACTE New CTE Workshop booklet. Topics include: New CTE Teacher Tool Kit, Advisory Committee Tool Kit, CTE Navigator Overview & Instructions, Michigan Merit Curriculum & Work Based Learning, and other CIP specific CTE resources. Cost – $25 (includes free shipping).
Interested in purchasing? Please contact Mikki Spagnoli.
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Resources Binder Edition II
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Secondary Resources

MI CTE Navigator provides real-time access to Michigan’s state approved CTE program standards which is necessary for educational decision-making, management and ultimately student achievement.
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The National Career Clusters® Framework provides a vital structure for organizing and delivering quality CTE programs through learning and comprehensive programs of study.
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Career and Technical Education Information System provides important announcements about training events as well as resources, documents and materials to help your career search.
State-Recognized Secondary CTE Program CIP Codes
For the complete list of state-recognized secondary CTE program CIP codes.
linkPostsecondary Resources

“Early/Middle College School” means a stand-alone public high school, a school within a school, a Public School Academy (PSA) or a Shared Educational Entity (SEE) designed to allow a pupil to earn a high school diploma and either an associate’s degree, the Michigan Early/Middle College Association (MEMCA) technical certification or up to 60 transferable college credits at the same time.
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The Michigan Career Development Model (MI CDM) is designed to provide all students (K-12) in the Michigan educational system with the necessary knowledge and skills for success in a career of their choice and lifelong learning.
Learn MoreOur Commitment
The commitment of the Michigan Association of Career and Technical Education (MI ACTE) is to partner with all related agencies to provide a one-stop information finding experiences for teachers, administrators, students, parents and business and industry. MI ACTE is committed to the promotion and advocacy for CTE Programs, teachers, and students throughout the State of Michigan.