Benefits of Memberships
Membership has its rewards
K-ACTE allows you to network with and learn from other educators who share a common interest in promoting professional excellence.
Legislative Network:
K-ACTE keeps both members and policymakers informed of the issues that affect career and technical educators through our Legislative Network.
Leadership Skills:
Membership in K-ACTE demonstrates your personal interest in enhancing your professional career. Active K-ACTE members develop leadership skills and build their Professional Vitae or resume with accomplishments and involvement in K-ACTE, ACTE and affiliate-coordinated activities.
Techniques Magazine:
All members receive ACTE’s award-winning Techniques magazine, a necessary resource for cutting-edge coverage of career and technical education trends and issues.
Unparalleled Teaching Resources:
K-ACTE fosters excellence in career and technical education and personal professional advancement by exposing members to the cutting edge of educational materials and opportunities. ACTE maintains an extensive inventory of unparalleled teaching resources aimed at helping students, teachers, administrators and counselors achieve their full potential. Books, guides, videotapes, CD ROMS, and teaching systems are all available at member discount prices.
Annual CTE Summer Conference:
The CTE Summer conference is presented by the Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education (K-ACTE), the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), and the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR). The CTE Summer Conference in late July/early August features excellent educational opportunities, affiliate sessions, a state awards program, and time to network with colleagues. Members get to take advantage of a discounted conference rate! This also helps get you energized for a new school year!
Award Programs:
K-ACTE sponsors award programs to recognize outstanding programs, business partnerships, educators, policymakers and students.
Joining K-ACTE
New members & Students will need to apply online.
If you have any questions, please contact
Student Definition: ACTE Bylaws define a student as an individual who is enrolled as a full-time student preparing to become a career and technical educator, and who is not employed full time in the education system as a teacher, counselor or administrator. You must agree to this statement on the student membership form to get the student rate.
ACTE Organizational Dues
Information on Organizational Dues can be found here. This is applicable to a school district paying for a specific position membership rather than for a specific individual. Please contact Kelli Diemer with ACTE directly with any questions you may have about this membership category.

Renewing Members
All members who wish to renew their membership with the K-ACTE will receive an invoice from the national Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE). Current members should NOT mail payments for membership renewal to the Kansas chapter.
To renew your ACTE/K-ACTE membership online, visit the ACTE renewal page. or click on the link to the right.
If you have any questions about renewals, contact the ACTE office at 1-800-826-9972.