
Help Support Career and Technical Education

IACTE is more than an association of career and technical educators? It is an active dynamic organization whose work directly affects you. Here’s how:


ACTE provides opportunities for YOU to grow professionally.




IACTE promotes YOUR profession’s image among your colleagues in the wider field of education.


IACTE provides linkages through its affiliates with other career and technical education professionals locally regionally statewide and nationally.


IACTE helps YOU link with EDUCATORS


BUSINESS INDUSTRY LABOR and GOVERNMENT locally and across the state and nation.


IACTE works with LEGISLATION at Local State and National levels.


IACTE collaborates with the Iowa Department of Education to facilitate decisions on programming and resources.

Stay Informed

IACTE provides YOU with current relevant information about educational issues in Iowa and around the country.

Research & Updates

IACTE provides direction for improving Iowa’s workforce and career education.

This is your professional educational organization IACTE wants to help you be the best you can be IACTE is more than an association of career and technical educators? It is an active dynamic organization whose work directly affects you.

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