CTE Awards

Each year the Alaska Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Board of Directors recognizes the outstanding work of the CTE professionals in Alaska through the annual award nomination process. The nominations will soon be open for the 2025-26 Annual Awards from the Alaska ACTE!

Link for nomination/submissions coming soon!

Individuals, groups, or teams are eligible for recognition in the following six categories:

  1. CTE Teacher of the Year
  2. NEW CTE Teacher of the Year
  3. CTE Leadership Award (may or may not be a professional educator)
  4. Community Service Award (may or may not be a professional educator)
  5. Career Guidance Award
  6. Innovative Program Award (may or may not be a professional educator)

A complete nomination package includes:

  1. The name of the person (if a team or program, identify ONE individual representative
  2. The category of the award.
  3. THREE letters of recommendation. (uploaded to this site)

Questions?  Contact Andrea Wade at andrea.wade@k12northstar.org.

The Alaska Association for Career and Technical Education, Alaska ACTE, is proud to recognize these outstanding Alaskan educators and organizations for the 2024-2025 awards program. Congratulations to our outstanding CTE colleagues!

CTE Teacher of the Year: Brian Cook, Wasilla High School, Mat-Su School District
New CTE Teacher of the Year: Zach Schneider, Akiachak School, Yupitt School District
CTE Leadership Award: Felicia Swanson, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
Innovative Program Award: Rex Hamner, Alaska Gateway School District
Counseling and Career Development: Noel Bowe, Bristol Bay Region Career and Technical Education

Alaska ACTE celebrated these deserving award winners at their recent state conference.

The Alaska Association for Career and Technical Education, Alaska ACTE, is proud to recognize these outstanding Alaskan educators and organizations for the 2024-2025 awards program. Congratulations to our outstanding CTE colleagues!

CTE Teacher of the Year: Dan Trotter
New CTE Teacher of the Year: Charles Wortham
CTE Leadership Award: Trish Zugg
Community Service Award: Michelle Oliveri
Counseling and Career Development: Kleigh Anderton

Alaska ACTE celebrated these deserving award winners at their recent state conference.

The Alaska Association for Career and Technical Education, Alaska ACTE, is proud to recognize these outstanding Alaskan educators and organizations for the 2022-2023 awards program. Congratulations to our outstanding CTE colleagues!

CTE Teacher of the Year: Barry Hartman, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
New CTE Teacher of the Year: Ashley Kelly, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District
CTE Leadership Award: Joni Simpson, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
Community Service Award: Fairbanks Pipeline Training Center
Innovative Program Award: Taylor Burgh, Alaska Resource Education’s Powerful Opportunities for Women in Resources
Career Guidance Award: Andrea Wade, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District.
Alaska ACTE celebrated these deserving award winners at their recent state conference.

The Alaska Association for Career and Technical Education, AK ACTE, is proud to recognize these outstanding Alaskan educators, organizations, and sponsors for the 2021-2022 awards program. Congratulations to our outstanding CTE colleagues!

CTE Teacher of the Year: Wade Roach, Dimond High School, Anchorage School District. Award sponsored by Alaska Resource Education.
New CTE Teacher of the Year: Jerry Jones, SW Region School District. Award sponsored by the Alaska Business Education Compact.
CTE Leadership Award: Missy Fraze, Anchorage School District. Award sponsored by the Alaska Safety Alliance.
Community Service Award: Matanuska Telephone Company.
Innovative Program Award: King Tech High School Aviation Academy, Anchorage School District. Award sponsored by Donlin Gold.
AK ACTE celebrated these deserving award winners at their recent state conference.

The Alaska Association for Career and Technical Education, AK ACTE, is proud to recognize these outstanding Alaskan educators, organizations, and sponsors for the 2020-2021 awards program. Congratulations to our outstanding CTE colleagues!

CTE Teacher of the Year: Ronnie Hawley, Tikigak School, Point Hope, North Slope Borough School District. Award sponsored by Alaska Resource Education.
New CTE Teacher of the Year: Susanna Mishler, King Tech High School, Anchorage School District. Award sponsored by the Alaska Business Education Compact.
CTE Leadership Award: Carin Smolin, Juneau School District. Award sponsored by the Alaska Safety Alliance.
Community Service Award: Bering Straits School District CTE Program for manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment for regional health care responders and providers, and seafood industry workers.
Career Guidance Award: Anne Adasiask-Andrew, Anchorage School District.
Innovative Program Award: CTE Summer Intensives for Special Populations, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District. Award sponsored by Donlin Gold.
AK ACTE will be celebrating these deserving award winners in partnership with the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development at their Winter CTE Work Session. Stay tuned for the details and plan to join us!

CTE Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Alaska Resource Education: Brian Marvin, Northwestern Alaska Career and Technical Center (NACTEC)
New CTE Teacher of the Year, Sponsored by Alaska Business Education Compact: Adam Wood, East High School, Anchorage School District
Career Guidance Award: Laralinn Hill, Mat-Su Borough School District
Innovative Program Award, sponsored by Donlin Gold: Alaska Resource Education
Leadership Award, sponsored by Alaska Process Industry Career Consortium: Julia Renfro, AKCIS, Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education
Community Contribution Award, sponsored by Andrews Auctions, Appraisals and Professional Services: Ben Craig, Anchorage Technology Forum

Outstanding CTE Teacher of the Year: Chris Taylor, Mat-Su School District
Outstanding NEW CTE Teacher of the Year, Sponsored by Alaska Business Education Compact Vanessa Forbes, King Tech High School, Anchorage School District
Business/Information Technology Teacher of the Year, Sponsored by Alaska Business Week: Ken Werner, AVTEC
Industrial/Technology Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Construction Industry Progress Fund: Peter Daley, Fairbanks School District
Health Sciences Teacher of the Year: Kelly Woolcott, Mat-Su School District
Hospitality/Tourism Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Alaska CHARR: Melinda Dooley, Anchorage School District
STEM Teacher of the Year, sponsored by Alaska Resource Education: John Notestine: Mat-Su School District
CTE Administrator of the Year: John Clouse, SW Region School District
Promising Practices Award: sponsored by Andrews Auctions, Appraisals and Professional Services: Christel Mozaelevskiy, Mat-Su School District
Leadership Award, Sponsored by LeCompte Consulting: Marcia Olson, Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development
Lifetime Achievement Award: Sponsored by Alaska Process Industry Careers Consortium: Fred Villa, University of Alaska
Community Contribution Award: John Plutt, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 375
Community Contribution Award: Gloria Burnett, Alaska Area Health Education Centers

More details and list of criteria for the awards:

CTE Teacher of the Year:

This award recognizes career and technical teachers – secondary/postsecondary, who have demonstrated innovation in the classroom, commitment to their students, and dedication to the improvement of CTE in their institutions and communities.

Eligibility: Candidates must have at least 5 years of teaching experience.
Criteria: Contributions to student success. Innovations in CTE. Leadership in the local or greater CTE community.

New CTE Teacher of the Year:
This award recognizes new CTE teachers – secondary/postsecondary, who have made significant contributions toward innovative and unique career and technical education programs and shown a professional commitment early in their careers.

Eligibility:  Candidate must be employed as classroom/lab CTE teacher with 3-5 years’ experience.
Criteria: Contributions to student success. Innovations in CTE. Leadership in the local or greater CTE community.

CTE Leadership Award:
Recipients may or may not be professional educators. This award recognizes administrative CTE professionals who have demonstrated leadership in ensuring teacher and student success and have made significant contributions toward innovative, unique and effective career and technical education programs.

Criteria: Contributions to teacher and student success. Innovations in CTE. Leadership in the local or greater CTE community.

Community Service Award:
Recipients may or may not be professional educators. This award recognizes individuals who have used CTE to make a significant impact on their community and demonstrated leadership in programs and activities that promote student involvement in community service.

Criteria: Leadership in furthering community service or improvement. Innovation in integrating community service into their CTE program. Contributions to student learning and success.

Career Guidance Award:
This award recognizes school counselors and career development and workforce development professionals who have demonstrated commitment to connecting students with opportunities for success, shown innovation in career exploration and development, and have advocated for CTE.

Criteria: Contributions to student success. Innovations in career exploration and development. Leadership in advocating  for CTE as a viable option for all students.

Innovative Program Award:
Recipients may or may not be professional educators. This award recognizes innovative career and technical education programs that are unique and serve to improve and promote career and technical education and workforce development.

Criteria: The program must demonstrate a capacity to prepare graduates to perform successfully in an occupational field and exemplify the highest standards within its occupational field. Staff must be involved in an in-service program to  keep abreast of technological changes in their occupational field. The program must have been in operation for at least three years.

**The Alaska ACTE Award categories have been updated to align with Region V and the National Association for Career and Technical Education Awards. Should your nominee be awarded in their category, they may be eligible for an award at the regional and national level.  For information on how to recommend for regional and national awards, contact the Alaska ACTE Board of Directors.

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